CDK Global

Enhanced security is one of the most compelling reasons for businesses to convert to cloud technology. Of those surveyed in the Dresner Advisory Services’ 2019 Cloud Computing and Business Intelligence Market Study, small businesses (100 employees or less) demonstrated greater confidence in the cloud’s ability to deliver meaningful security benefits than any other business category.

Does your dealership use an external BDC for sales calls? Many managers like to keep control of their sales process in house, but realistically, the majority of salespeople don’t have time to place the hundreds of calls necessary every week to keep their pipeline filled.

Additionally, many salespeople lack the skills to effectively engage consumers over the phone. The personality types that provide engaging in-person experiences don’t always translate well to over-the-phone experiences.

The majority of IT professionals at dealerships across the country agree that it’s not a matter of if, but when your dealership will fall prey to targeted attacks involving malware, ransomware, data exfiltration, or phishing.
Service Connect is the FASTEST way for you to get CDK Support — AND it’s much faster than the phone. There's no waiting on hold, trying to remember your CMF number or wading through endless prompts. There’s so many great advantages of Service Connect, but here are the top 10 things you need to know.
Most dealerships use a Business Development Center (BDC) to help fill the pipeline for vehicle sales. But a much smaller number of dealers take full advantage of a BDC to deliver more Service business.