CDK Global

NADA 2022 conversations we were able to have with colleagues in person were more informative and even more exciting than we expected.

Today's automotive sales training often delivers a poor experience, simply because the programs were not designed with modern retailing in mind. Most trainers still teach the old way of selling, but those tactics won't work for today's retail environment.

We asked. And they told us everything - Including which connected services would bring them into your Service department. Help your whole dealership leverage consumer interest to maximize your profits.
Phone calls are often the first interaction customers have with your dealership. How you handle these calls determines whether or not they want to do business with you.

Moving past challenges to unlock opportunity

Our new study looked at the trendsetters that made car buying better for consumers through new technology and services.

The past two years have created a slew of challenges and opportunities for dealers across the country, leading many to look at new ways of doing business. At CDK Global, we wanted to learn what changes were successful, which weren’t and which are now here to stay.

You can’t improve car buying if you don’t know what’s holding it back. CDK recently partnered with NADA Academy to determine the greatest pain points in the process both for consumers and dealers.